Michael Connelly – Desert Star

I’m about a hundred pages into the “Desert Star” novel and Renee Ballard is limping along as the head of a volunteer “cold case” unit. One person, whom she did not choose, is channeling info back to a wealthy, powerful councilman, so Renee has already intentionally “cut him out of the loop” for an update meeting. She has to keep the councilman happy because he is a possible major source of funding for this volunteer unit.

Harry has already ignored Renee’s “do not copy” policy and she has had to wink at that. But, Harry is uncontrollable, and even though Renee wants all of her staff to focus on one case, Harry just refuses and keeps spending his time & energy on another case. After all, how can you ignore the death of a family of four? Well, it’s not like the family just got killed. And, if it was THAT important, maybe Harry shouldn’t have retired and left that case to someone else several years before. He could have solved that case years ago and be focused on this other case now.

And Renee has hired a “psychic” for her other abilities in researching, but now the psychic has tainted evidence because she had to “touch” items in the evidence box without gloves.

So with all these dysfunctional people on this volunteer unit, Renee can’t last long. In fact, if you can’t control the people either you shouldn’t be their boss, or they shouldn’t be on the “team”.

Renee: “Oh Harry, I didn’t think you would have a problem with the “psychic” trying to get a feel for the case by touching the evidence in your boxes.” “Yes, I know you said something about tainting evidence that might affect your case later, but we’re all just here to work together, aren’t we?”

So, the way it has been written thus far, I don’t see this unit lasting past the end of “Desert Star.”

So now Harry is planning on flying to Chicago, for a day, to pick up a campaign badge for evidence in a case. He agrees to do the trip, “on his dime” but if the department comes through later, he’ll get reimbursed. The mother doesn’t remember touching the button and Harry is trying to preserve any fingerprints or DNA that might be on the badge. I guess the parents didn’t touch the button when they packed up their dead daughter’s things in L.A., to send them back to Chicago. And, that would be possible if they just took the drawer that the campaign button was in and dumped the whole thing in a box. Don’t waste the tax payer’s money on a “hail Mary” ornament. Everyone doesn’t attain the excellence of maintaining the viability of evidence that the Great Harry Bosch does, but surely there must be some adult in Chicago that can package the campaign button up, without touching it, and mail it to L.A. Expedite the transfer, and even if you pay extra for shipping, it’s got to be less than a round trip ticket between L.A. and Chicago. What a waste, for a baby that can’t wait.

[NOTE]: What will be the end of Harry Bosch? Well, “Morse” ends his days as an impotent, sickly human being, and the roles between Morse and Robbie Lewis have switched. Morse is no longer the aficionado of wine & opera, but is stumped when trying to identify a common bird. So Morse dies at the hospital, alone, while Lewis is out solving a case. Just realized that Morse has opera and Bosch has jazz.

I’ve said elsewhere that Harry Bosch has done for L.A. what Morse did for Oxford, England. I noticed early that the street signs in Bosch were always in focus. If you stopped the video and read the street sign, you could go to Google Maps and Street View and find the exact location. Later, much later, once I started reading the Bosch novels I realized that Connelly put his fictional characters in “real” locations. This was fun to get a better feel for what Connelly was describing. *One problem is that the Bosch novels span a 30 year period, and if you are reading the early books, those actual locations may no longer exist to be viewed online. [end NOTE]